Double dared, in fact.
Double DOG dared - if you can imagine that! This is a seriously serious dare.
My daughter said - and I quote her words directly - "Mom, I DARE you to make a blog post! Double dog DARE ya!"
I laughed right outloud...head back, mouth open type...felt good to laugh! You know how sometimes something just hits you in the funny bone because it's just ridiculous and you can't stop laughing and then you actually begin to cry? Well, that's what happened.
By the way, in case you don't know the real me in person...this is not me in the photo
- wish it was, but wishin' don't make it so!
I hooted, I hollered, I gasped for air, I cried laughing tears, I giggled, then sighed and almost stopped, but then began the whole rig-a-ma-roll-thing-a-ma-jig-jig all over again...jig-jig.
See, the reason that I haven't been blogging since Halloween is that I've lost my sense of humour. I can't find it. So I didn't post.
Work, responsibilities, home chores, changes and everything else in between, from burnt toast to ipods have taken my hee haw away. I really am a serious type of chick. The funny donkey in me just hee hawed here through the summer and early fall and then was gone.
And although it's not always necessary be funny on a blog, it does help to make the reading a bit more entertaining for my loyal blog-checker-uppers...and I didn't want to bore anyone too much.
Plus the pressure was getting to me! Daily or even weekly blog posts can be quite draining. Try it sometime...or don't!
My new plan is just to post when or if I feel like it. After all, I've been dared...and a dare is a dare is a dare, so I've got to do it!
Hope that doesn't send your daily internet routine into a blither, but hey...check when you can, and if you don't bother, I'll understand! (or i might sneak firecrackers into your mailbox!)
But P.S. I'm always glad for those of you who are taking the time to read my posts and I still love to read your comments, 'Kay? Comments make me feel valued...whoo whee! See how much power you have over me...and just with a simple word or two...who would have guessed it?! - Hmmm....I'd say that's a whole 'nother self esteem issue of mine that we'll just save for another day, M'Kay?!
Now to move long last - the conclusion of this Daring Matter is: If a DARE to publish a post can bring back my laughter, then I'm gonna double-dog-gone try to find something to post here's to Dares, Chicks, Dogs, Laughing tears and Donkeys!
Although I reserve the right to be a serious and sentimental blogger at times too! Good luck trying to figure me out!
Click here for a good laugh! Be sure your volume is turned up.
Hee Haw!