About Me

Hi, my name is Jeannie.

  I live in a small, rural town in northern British Columbia, have been married for eighteen years and we have two lovely daughters.  During the school year, I work at a school, but fortunately, I'm able to have the summer and Christmas holidays off.  This works out perfectly for us  since there's nothing  I love more than spending time at home with my family!

  My hobby is taking pictures and I think it will be fun to share them with you.  I have not used Photoshop for two reasons:  mainly because I don't own the program but also because I wouldn't know know how to use it!!  I've seen people working with it but Photoshop just seems too complicated for me.  The only editing tools I know how to use (in Windows) are "crop," "change to black and white," and "fix red eye" so the photos you see on this blog are basically straight out of my Nikon D80 camera.  I hope you enjoy the results as I continue to practise!  Comments and tips are welcome!