Sunday, November 14, 2010

Little Princess

This little lovely one is my niece who joined our family at the end of last month - isn't she sweet!

I love the way she's holding her hand over her tiny face!  And don't forget to check out her tiny chin with the cutest cleft ever.  We love you little princess!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I want...

Top of my wish list:  A Kindle!!!  An electronic device that holds books and books and more books!  Plus pictures, music, a link to Facebook, a voice-to-text feature, a lovely leather case, and books - did I say I could buy digital books?? Oh and some books (the classics) are free - how could this be any more perfect?

This would be so cool for me to have!  The kids these days all have cell phones and i-pods, now it's my turn - right?  A kindle would be perfect - I could read and read and read!  I might even read a newspaper or two so I could have a clue of what's going on in the world!  And I can finally "get with the program" and own some electronic device that I could stick my face into!  Should I buy it? (200ish)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Biker boy

I really like how these pictures turned out, but guess what - I have no idea how this happened!  Maybe as I was following this little guy and clicking - I think that's called panning - it seemed to blur the background.  I like it!

Look at him racing back and forth - and I tell ya, he was FAST.  He's only freaking four years old too...what a sweet show-off biker boy!  Love him!