There's some words and a tune to a song that my Mom used to sing to us when we were kids and this picture reminds me of it.
Down through the leaves of the old oak tree,
Please let the moon that shines on me,
Shine on the one I love!"
Tune for song of I see the moon - someone else's grandmother apparently sang this to her and she remembered more of the words than I do.
I See the Moon (full song) - here's another version of someone with a very nice voice singing the song.
Now this is really going back in time - a you tube video of a record player with the Stargazers singing the song!
Stargazers version
Here's a couple more "moon" pictures from recently. We've been lucky to have clear skies and full moons lately...lovely!
May the moon shine down brightly on all of you and bring rays of light and love your way.