Monday, March 21, 2011

Gerbera daisy bouquet

A beautiful bouquet of flowers was waiting for me when I got home today!  How lovely!  Dwight had gone grocery shopping and had picked these up - and for no reason at all!  My goodness they're so pretty!  I really really love them! (And I really really love him too! xo)

Here we are - both looking a bit tired by the way - but these lovely daisies brought cheer and smiles all around!

Stunning aren't they - the first close up of the flowers is an awesome desktop background.  If you'd like to use it for awhile, you're welcome to - right click on it and click on "set as desktop background."

Did you know that according to gerbera daisies rank as 5th in people's favorites?   I can sure see why!
"Daises are among the most liked flowers in the world, coming in fifth behind roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and tulips."

Snow shoes and shorts

Dwight bought a pair of snow shoes and the girls had a blast trying them out:

This has got to be a sign of warmer weather!  :) yay!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It's March! I've never been so glad to turn the calendar page over as now. The January and February months have been so long and wintery, but now we can look forward to spring and sunshine! It's a happy day!

A quick update of some events over the past few weeks:

Our school put on an amazing production of "Grease" so I was kept very busy after hours making the program, snapping and printing pictures and making bulletin board displays.  It was all so worth it - our kids did a fantastic job.

My Mom (also known as Wild Shelley) ended up on crutches.  Not good.  Her hip has been giving her extraordinary amounts of pain and then she fell twice which ripped the main ligament in her knee.  Now she can't walk and it's so frustrating for her.  Jeepers.

I seriously considered taking a different job that was offered to me but decided against it.  This other job was more hours and year round as opposed to ten months like I have now, but it was clerical, front office, Bcesis, Excel, data, numbers, student records and simply not a good fit for me.  I love being with the kids at school, supporting online learning, writing our school newspaper, emailing and solving problems that arise...but numbers, data, Excel?  No way!  I'm feeling very settled with my decision and am happy to stay where I am.

My husband bought snow shoes and is out making tracks in his smooth white snow...I'm still shocked!

I discovered that my computer has 30 out-of-date drivers. Whatever that means!

My daughter finished her Science Fair project - Yay!

My other daughter found a stylish wool jacket that was on sale for $12.99 down from $89.99!

And I ate too many bowls of vanilla ice cream topped with bananas and chocolate chips!  :)

Have a good day everyone.