Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paper tablecloth

For Thanksgiving every year I like to spread a big piece of white paper over the table and set out a batch of crayons.  Then everyone can add designs or words or pictures of things that they are thankful for.
  It's lots of fun and it's nice to see how it begins and then how it ends up being so full...we have so much to be thankful for!
It's nice to have this paper on for when company comes too - gives us something to do and talk about.

And then we eat really carefully - trying not to spill on the words!!
Note to self - buy place mats for next year - every year I say this...hopefully by next year I'll have found some!

We did a really good job...the paper tablecloth ended up staying on even into the next week!

My girl Kam likes potatoes and gravy the best-est!

I'll eat a bit (or a lot!) of everything of course, like a good little girl, just like I was taught! Don't know why I look so short in this picture!!

And this is how the paper tablecloth ended up - full to the edges of thankfulness!

Isn't it lovely!


  1. That's a really cool idea. I think i'm going to steel it for next year. Just have to remind me as i'll probably forget. :) NEATO! And yes i've too been thinking of how much i'm thankful for. Many things.

  2. that looks fantastic. I did that ages ago and had also forgotten about it. Ill have to do it again, the kids love that. you guys are quite the artists!!
