Friday, September 4, 2009

Battle of the Brushes

The stand-off - between old brush and new brush!
Just thought I'd ask you this interesting question old is your hair brush? 

Be honest now, we are all friends here!

Curiously enough, after recently purchasing a brand new hair brush, I got to thinking about the brush that I've had forever, and still use every day! Can you guess which brush is which?
They are really sizing each other up here....

"Na-na-na-na-nah, I'm better than you are!"
"No way slacker, I'm all that and more...she likes me best!"

My old brush...I've had it since grade ten...that was in '86, so that means it's...gasp...could it really be that old?  23 years old?  sheesh!  But the age doesn't show a bit! Impressive!  No wrinkles, cracks or's doing better than I am!!!

Something else that I discovered is that I'm very attached to my old brush.  I like the handle, the way it feels in my hand, all comfy like.  The smooth ridges, the pokey spoke things, whatever they are called, that have tamed my mangy mane ever since I was sixteen.

Uh, oh, see them now, they aren't speaking anymore...they are competing for my love and affection...who's going to win?
"The war is on!"
"Just walk away, walk away!"

I really don't think I could ever throw my old brush away...o, imagine the hurt upon chucking it in la garb.

My old brush works for me.
It's not broken.  It's not worn out.

It has been through a lot of "hair raising" experiments.
It has been by my side during dangerous encounters with mousses, (get it!?) gels and permanent dyes.
It has been my friend through thick spray and thin.

Over the years, it has been used as
a microphone, (singing "oh mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine..." and don't try to tell me you don't know the rest of the song!)

a weapon (bang, bang,gotcha!)

an unidentified flying object when I've thrown it across the room in a fit,
oh, but I don't still do that, in case you were wondering!!

and an excuse -as in...
after I spent a good, let's say, 45 minutes teasing every last hair into place and into what I think looks good, and then walking out the door all high and proud...
only to find that the first person I meet can't make eye contact with me and asks in horror..."What did you do to your hair?"
"Oh, nothing," I reply while lying through my teeth, "I just couldn't find my brush, that's all!"

So, now where do my loyalties lie?  Do I succumb to the attractions of "new and shiny, never been used before," silky soft wooden handled brush with fine bristles that massage your scalp like the finest Swiss masseuse?

Or do I stick with the one that has proven the test of time?

Which brush do you think I'll go to more often?  Write your answer in the comment section, and don't forget to tell me how long you've had your own hair brush/comb/pick/tool of some sort!


  1. I think you'll go back to your old brush! :) And my hair brush? I have no clue how old it is.

  2. Well my gut says the old brush but i hope i'm wrong and you pick the new brush to go with the new due that you should should do!! :) I've had my white pick since my first perm (haha Perm suddenly sounds so old school) grade eight and it's still going strong. :) But i have bought a brush like your new one as well.
