Friday, September 18, 2009

Cool down position

Summer is over, sadly...all over, but there are still occasions where we get really heated up, eh? 
Like after scaling up a rock face,
doing a fifty meter dash,
or shimmeying up a coconut tree.

Of course, I wouldn't really know much about that sort of thing.

All I know is that I usually get all heated up after simply climbing 8 know how it is - you get to the little landing in between the next set of stairs and you want to sit down and cry...because you're only half way up...
or else you realize that you really need to "go"...exercise of any kind does this to you must immediately head back down them dang stairs and find a washroom - quick!
After the second attempt - you're really heated up -and by the time you get to the upper level, you just want to collapse on the ground...
like this:

Belly down, arms out, chin on the floor, and with the tongue lolling out...sounds about right after all that climbing.
But of course, this is not generally acceptable behaviour for human society these days...would be kind of embarassing.
Other people would stare.

We can all learn something from dogs.
...they just are who they are...they do what they do...if they feel the need, they do the deed...they go with the flow, the laws of nature rule... need to be embarrassed, the cool down position works for him.

Do you ever wish you were a dog?!?!


  1. yep to be petted would be nice hahahah

  2. Yeah...being a dog would be nice as long as my owner loved dogs. Babys are the same too.. do the deed when they feel the need no matter where..curious and excited about everything,they are who they are...when they are mad they are mad, sad when they are sad, happy when they are supressing feeling at all. They truly are their own person I think anyways. :) Pebs
