Saturday, September 5, 2009

How does your garden grow?

Just call me Laura Ingalls Wilder for today ok? 
I've pulled supper for the family out from the garden!
That is, if you can call one rectangular raised bed, a "garden!"
And you see those pretty things on sticks there in the corner of the bed - pink, red and white...those are my "the garden will be pretty even if nothing grows" decorations - otherwise known as balloons!
My balloons didn't seem to do well this year, just a bit inflated at first, then a slow but steady droop, now they're just limp biscuits!  Don't think I'll do these again next year!
But luckily, some other things did grow - only a few of each, but you can't expect bushels when you just plant bits!
Peas - homesteader variety - suitable for Laura I. Wilder, don't you think?  From this tiny little patch we gleaned (good word eh?) enough for a few meals so far, and enough for a poor dear sister who hasn't got a garden this have her annual fresh pea fix!

Carrots - can't remember the type...but they were tasty and there's a bunch more still out in the dirt so they can grow bigger still!

Potatoes - a lady at the farmer's market gave me 4 little seed potatoes - so my four potato plants have been carefully tended just to see what they would do.  I have no idea what kind they are!  I've dug one plant up and got this many...yup, is dug up...might get 3 more meals from the potato, two potato, three potato, four!

Tomatoes - it's a whole cluster of them!  I felt so proud!  They are super sweet, but a tad mushy...shhh..don't tell them I said so, might hurt their feelings!
Even if my tiny garden grows only a very little, it feels so pioneerish and homesteady to reap the benefits.  Just let me go put on my bloomers, my bonnet and my long apron, then we'll really have a good time...and maybe we can even make our own butter and cheese next time!  Gee willikers!

Tell me about one thing that you've grown that you are proud of!


  1. I'll tell you what I grew last year that I am proud of! My 8 pieces of moldy bread! Haha! I bet you think that's gross! I agree, but I'm proud to say that my moldy bread won me a gold medal in my school's Science Fair and even got me to the Districts! Go moldy bread!

  2. yay to you pioneer woman and LJ for growing stuff!

    I'm proud of my flowers that actually bloomed!! I bought some seeds from the dollar store.. Some Cosmos and Asters.. the cosmos bloomed first and were beautiful pink/purple! not many of those left.. NOw the asters are starting to bloom.. one is up now.. those are fall flowers and they're pretty neat! :) so cool.. first time I've actually TENDED to and watered and all that care that plants require! ha! :P
    ps.. i'm wanting your garden!!!!! those peasssssssss.. yum!

  3. I know what you mean about feeling so pioneerish about growing a garden. 1st year for me and i was tickled about it...peas carrots spuds and onions. YUM! I didn't do so well with the onions tho..maybe i'll do better next year now that i you told me what to do. Di
