Tough Guy doesn't want to tell anyone, but he is one year oollllllddddeeerrrr we celebrated with the family.
As always, it was a fun night together.
But, see - Tough Guy - he reeeaaalllly doesn't want to admit that he's getting up there - he's trying to hide behind his hand, you know like "put your head in the sand and there's nobody there" kind of thing...!!!
Too bad, suckahhhrrrr, we can still see you!!!"Can I really be that many candles?" he asks.
Just multiply by three and add five and you'll be right on!
You've got my total respect if you can do that much math!
It's a stretch for me -and I'm telling the truth!!!!Math and I just don't like each other, we don't "get" each other and thankfully...we don't have to spend much time together either!!
Here's the crew - farthest away in the picture is Frostbite - oh, and soon he's gonna be farthest away in real life on an adventure - far, far away, like half way 'round the gol dang globe...and we are going to miss him very much.
Come to think of it---Frostbite might just want to stay away for the whole winter too...get it?!?! Like don't-stay-out-in-the-cold-too-long or you'll get frostbite and Frostbite (the person here) - he really is going to stay away til spring! I think that's funny - well, fine - maybe not to you, but it was to me!
Then in the middle we've got Darth Vadir - I had to be sure to spell his name just his special way, or else he might sic somethin' on me!!!! He sounds dangerous, doesn't he! Maybe we've got him in the middle on purpose - so we can squeeze the "darth" right out of him cuz he's just so darn cute!
And you already know Bubbles...dear, dear Momma Bubbles... I just want to wrap her up and snuggle her all up...she's hurtin' right now with that blasted ol' knee.If it doesn't get better soon, I might just have to change her name to Hobbles, or Crutch, or Limpy. Maybe Limpette would be better cuz that sounds more feminine.
I wrote a quick song for her: (sing to the tune of Three Blind Mice!)
Dear Momma Bee, Dear Momma Bee,
we're sendin' warm fuzzies,
we're sendin' warm fuzzies,
to wrap aro-ow-und your ever lovin' knee...
we want ya back ta bein' all buzzy...
we want all-hl your achin' pain to flee...
so heal real soon, so heal real soon.
You'd best get better quick, don't think the world can take many more of my healing tunes! Wouldn't take much to be better'n this one, now would it!?!?!
In case you didn't know -she brings sunshine and happiness with her - where ever she goes - even when she's not feeling too good. What a special lady she is.
Picture is temorarily unavailable.
And here is Boots and Bruiser! Can you figure out which is which? who is who?? him is her??? her is him???
Sure would hate to meet a couple of thugs with names like this in a dark, back alley....imagine the beating, yikes! Boots. Bruiser.
But these two are the bestest ever people - they don't believe in beatings, I promise you!
So, who was this party really for? A Tough Guy? Or a Baby? I'll leave that for you to decide!!! Or here's a's a bit of a two in one know....a the old wise-guy, get the baby for free!!! Happy B-day T.G.!
It was a great evening....thanks for getting old(er) Tough Guy(and for inviting us along for the ride)!