Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heading to the Lake

Next week, we're off to B.B. for a two night sweet retreat.
We are really going to be roughing it...
Queen sized beds, fridge, stove, deck, satelite t.v., big bath tubs...
Ya, that's my kind of roughing it!

We planned a food menu and one of my assignments is to bring breakfast for 12 munchkins and I got out my fav. pancake recipe and quadrupled it!
That's right, quadrupled it...that means I made a 4 times bigger than normal batch.
There was so much batter...I began hating these pancakes.

It meant I had to be standing over my fryer for a very, very long time...
making cake after cake...
in the pan...
Isn't that smart how it's called pan cake - cake in the pan...
pan-a-cake, pan-a-cake, baker's man...
I think I started going nuts towards the end...
I couldn't have started out that way!!

Sigh! Got to find some way to keep myself entertained!

Done at last!
Look at that big batch...I was amazed to see so many...I ended up counting them cuz I was just so dang proud of my persistance.

There was 56 gentle pancakes staring up at me with their soft little faces.

I started to love them...wanted to hold them forever in my memory...
so I began to arrange them...

Then I took this bird's eye photo by standing on a tall chair overlooking my counter.
I call this my art.
I call it my "Made In The Pan Cake Mosaic"
Just need to buy a frame now.
I think it will make me famous.

Then I took a photo from a different angle...
How fitting...see them ripples, rolling waves and even some whitecaps in there...all crashing onto the sandy shores of PANCAKE LAKE!
Oh no, the crazies are really coming out now!
Watch out, we come!


  1. LOL! oh man! hahaha! love your humour!! Looking forward to eating them! see you tomorrow! ~Dimples

  2. the pancakes were FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
