This Stranger On A Bike is my hero today!
We had an outrageous rain storm with thunder and lightning and the whole town was out of power, but in the midst of the downpour, there were some very happy people - all thanks to this guy!
Look how deep this massive puddle is.
It's right in the middle of the down town parking lot for our main grocery store and's right up to his sprockets! (that is what they're called isn't it?!)
Look how happy he is - tooling around and around -
in the middle of the biggest puddle in town!
What else can I say...he inspired me and I love him for it!
Here's our version...
Darling daughter, Kam, and I decided follow his example...
LJ stayed toasty and dry in the car and took pictures,
but we danced in the rain...
in the middle of the biggest puddle in town...
in the middle of the parking lot...
in the middle of down town...
for all the world to see!
Look, we're happy too! Smiles all around!
And we've got moves, dude.
Oh, baby..yah!
What a memory! A once in a lifetime moment!
I never would have guessed that I'd end up doing THIS today!
At MY ripe old age????
Thanks Mr. Stranger Guy On A Bike! You're the greatest! Loving you for ever and evahhhhh!!!
Now I've just got to get the smell of wet-courderoy-dirty-parking-lot-rain-water out of my pants...and my car!! :)
OH COOL!! how awesome is that! to dance in the rain!! you go chicas!! ~dimples