Monday, August 10, 2009

Like a bat out of...(part 2)

...continuing the adventures of Wild Shelley speaking as she careens down the road at break neck speed in the Empress...

"Breaker breaker one nine, this is Wild Shelley speaking, Come on...
What's that sign say? Where's my bi-focals...dang it!
Please pork here? What? Where's the pig? Huh? No pig? Better get closer so I can really read it...oh, park here...
Of course!
Okey dokey, let me just do that for ya.
Easy peasy.
Any questions? Allrighty, then."

" a bit close to knockin' that sign around a bit...oh well, I always did like things better on an angle!
Otta tell them guys to make the printing on these here signs bigger. What'da they 'spect?

By golly, gee whiz! That was fun!

Sometimes you just have to kick things into high gear. Get things done. Live a litle. Take control. Be wild!"

"Whooo wheeee...Made it - all safe and sound - no problemo. I can do anything.
See my fierce-ness, my woman-ness, my wild-ness? Yup, take a good look. (click pic to get a closer up - the expression is priceless!)


"You betcha, gotta watch out for me when I get to feelin' my oats! Glad you came along for the ride! Breaker breaker one nine, me gone!"

See what I mean...when Wild Shelley's on the loose, we've got to stay off the roads...
and the sidewalks...
and the parking lots too!!

And now for your viewing pleasure...
here's a special treat for all you readers out there...yes, sir...I mean it's really something special...
not many people are priv'leged 'nuf to see this...
Are you ready for it?
Warning, It's a Wild Shelley Special:

Woot, woot,
Oh, yah, Work it, Work it, Like you can, Shelley!
And this is just one of the many adventures of Walking on the Wild Side with Shelley!

Hah! - don't let this picture of innocence fool you -
WE know the rest of the story, you wild-thing you!


  1. heyyyyyy china dollie this is sooooooo funny i laugh every time i see it. and that experssion is priceless. NO MORE PICS OF ME PLEEZE...

    WILD shelley

  2. LOL!! ohhh the expression on Wild Shelley's face is indeed PRICELESS! LOL oh too funny! hahahaha!! ~Dimples
