The word is pithy.
I've heard it before and never quite understood what it meant...
I've associated it with oranges for some reason,
and because it sounds like a certain swear word
spoken by someone with a severe lisp
(you know the begins with P and ends with two s's!) I've thought it meant a bad mood!
Since we're all gearing up to learn some new things in the upcoming school year, I thought I'd look it up and share it with you so that we can all expand our knowlege base. And goodness knows - my itty bitty brain needs does need expanding!!!
"Pithy: 1) full of substance, meaning , force, or vigor as in pithy phrases, or a pithy speaker. 2) of, or like pith. 3) having much pith: a pithy orange. - pithiness, pithily."
as copied from the Gage Canadian Dictionary - the big, fat, red one that has a medallion star in the top right corner with the words ONLY $9.95 engraved on the cover!
Anyways...wouldn't you know...defintion 3 - "having much pith" - an orange comes up. Funny how that is...still don't know really why an orange is pithy!
Definition 2 - "of or like pith" - that really doesn't help...WHY do they include definitions like this...? : "of or like pith" - what good is that when I don't know what pith is?
Definition 1 - "full of substance, force, meaning or vigor" - I understand it...and here's my picture to go along with it...see, I'm showing you that I understand the meaning now...
He'sth defthhhinately full of pith here...(click pic. to enlarge!)
and maybe justth a touchth of vinegar too!
As I recall, the boys stomped very pithily into the house and with a certain pithiness in their voices announced that they were "mad at supper cuz now we can't play."
And they sure were full of force, vigor, meaning and substance at that moment because supper is so mean to them...don't you know!
OHh HAHAHAHA! this is GOOD! :) LOL! thanks for the new word! ~dimples
ReplyDeleteand this blog is sure filled with pithiness. I think that makes sence. I hate looking up words in the dic cuz i usually still don't understand the word.
ReplyDeleteand don't you hate it when you don't know how to spell a word, so you ask someone and they go and tell you to look it up in the dictionary!
ReplyDeletewell, how can i look it up if i don't know how to spell it!?!?!?!!!!! :)
thats so funny!! those boys do look full of pith and vinegar. haha