Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Time Yard Party

Hot dogs, hot dogs, hop up to get yur hot diggity dogs!

We had a crew over for a yard party and we had a blast. Tough Guy became pro-chefy on the BBQ and cooked a million doggies to perfection and we gobbled them up like the turkeys we are!

Here's Wild Shelley - yep, looks like she's up to somethin' fur sure. Watch out everyone! Don't you dare be fooled by that grey hair, she's pure trouble!

Here's some of the turkey-flock hovering around the food table...peck, peck, gobble gobble!
Mmmm...delicious salads, chips galore, fizzy pop, with hot diggity dogs...and not to forget the creamy cheese cake and whipped jello...
and a warm summer evening with friends...awesome!

Pro-cheffy looks a bit heated up here don't you think...poor baby.
Must be hard to turn them dogs on the Q...probably goes against his nature!

This barn in the background of the two young lovebirds was the site for some S pooooo kkkyyyy ghost stories at 10.
The kids all had glow sticks and carried flashlights and we all went down, down, down
to the barn, barn, barn
and told scary, scary stories until
(did I scare you?!) there was the sound of something walking across the roof of the barn...
Just kidding! But someone did throw something up there and it added to the creepiness...then someone else banged a door, and squeaked a gate.
Oooo shiver me timbers!!
It was great favorite ghost story was told by a young'un...4 years old...
"Once upon a time (deep breath)
there was (another deep breath)
a cake
sitting on a table and um
and when he came back
and so he ran to Gramma's house!"
That one just makes my heart sweet, I mean scary!

We had target practise with foam shooters
and then some wicked "Can You Get It Over The Fence" volleyball.
That's when the pros really came out.
Serve, spike, volley, bump, ace, duece,
slam, dunk...oops that's basketball...
hutt...uhhh, that's football...
putt...mmm, that's golf...
but put 'em all together and that's what you got with these downright dirty v-ballers! YES! What MOVES!

After all the fun and games and hot tubbing and ghost stories, it was time for a movie by the light of the moon...
Aaaaaa-whhooooo... "Werewolves of London!"
It was nice and dark and so we put a movie on the back wall of our garage...this pic. was taken the next day, so you don't quite get the same effect, but you get the picture! (get it, hee hee!)

Good times, good times, good times - might make this an annual event!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! good times! should be an annual thing! *hint* hah.. Thanks for the great party! AAAAAHHHHWWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
